Hannah Coleman is a student at the University of Nottingham. She recently co-wrote an article with Professor Matthew Brookes in Physics World on brain sensing MEG scanners.

I am a final year physics undergraduate at the University of Nottingham. For the past few years I have been a part of the outreach team working with Prof Matt Brookes and Prof Mark Fromhold (both part of the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing) at flagship science festivals such as The Royal Society Summer Science Festival, Cheltenham Science Festival and New Scientist Live.
I hugely enjoy explaining our Hub work to the public at these events, and interacting with other scientists and potential future collaborators. It’s also been amazing to have the opportunity, especially as an undergraduate, to work with Hub researchers and see how their pioneering work feeds into the Hub.
What excites me most about the Hub is being part of such a multi-disciplinary group working on really exciting science that has numerous, wide-ranging applications.
I definitely think quantum is the future! It requires the brightest and most original minds to come together to solve real world problems that very quickly have an impact on society.
In my spare time, I’m a keen runner and love getting out to enjoy a sunrise if I can. I also love playing and watching football, spending time with my massive family, and I also occasionally create videos for my YouTube channel documenting life as a mature student studying physics!