
Would you like to become a STEM Ambassador?

9th February 2021

Would you like to use your quantum expertise to become a STEM Ambassador?

STEM Learning is launching the Quantum Ambassadors Programme for A Level students, aiming to help them understand the scientific process and enhance their understanding of quantum physics and technology concepts, while also signposting relevant career pathways. STEM Learning is looking for STEM Ambassadors who have Quantum expertise to support the programme.

Are you already a STEM Ambassador?

STEM Learning would like to start by finding out how many current STEM Ambassadors work/study in the quantum field, please let them know by logging on to your profile and going to the skills and qualifications tab where you can add Quantum Ambassadors to your schemes, at this point you are not signing up to anything – just to find out more.

Next steps will be an information session so you can find out more and also let them know your thoughts on any support, training or resources might be useful.

Not signed up to be a STEM Ambassador yet?

Being a STEM Ambassador is about engaging and enthusing young people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics. They encourage students to consider further study of STEM subjects and progression into related careers, inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals. It offers the chance to give something back to education and the wider community, whilst giving you the chance to develop your own skills and improve yourself. You can register to become a STEM Ambassador on the STEM Ambassador website. The process for registration can be seen below.

If you would like further information on this scheme, please get in contact at [email protected].

Process of applying to be a STEM Ambassador